Mandala #1 - Mandala Seeds Shop Mandala Seeds
Mandala #1 - Mandala Seeds Shop Mandala Seeds
Mandala #1 - Mandala Seeds Shop Mandala Seeds
Mandala #1 - Mandala Seeds Shop Mandala Seeds
Mandala #1 - Mandala Seeds Shop Mandala Seeds
Mandala #1 - Mandala Seeds Shop Mandala Seeds

Mandala #1

€17.60 €22.00

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: Mandala Seeds



Genetics S. African highland Sativa x NZ Purple Indica & N. Indian Sativa
Type sativa-indica
Cultivation indoor/outdoor/greenhouse
THC 18-21% 
CBG 1%
High uplifting, euphoric, creative, dreamy, expansive
Aroma apple, raspberry, minty
Harvest time (outdoor) September
Flowering time (indoor) 55-60 days
Yield dry (organic) 450 gr/m2 ; 800-1200 gr. per plant outdoor in the ground
Plant height medium-slightly tall


Mandala #1 is one of the most sought after outdoor strains for northern regions and early harvests. She is a perfect choice if you are aiming for a quick crop with superb Sativa effect and medical-grade marijuana. We recommend this strain especially for climates where harvesting by the end of September is a priority.

This strain has two basic phenotypes (characteristic plant types). Most of the plants belong to the sativa dominant phenotype and grow in a Christmas tree shape. Purplish leaf stems and light red stripes along shoots are not uncommon and should not be mistaken for a nutrient deficiency. The young flowering plants have a perfumed woody-herbal fragrance when you rub the stems. Despite the sativa dominance the buds are chunky and plants are easy to grow. Mandala #1 flowers with a spear-shaped head bud of considerable length that makes this a high yielder. Resin output is impressive - also outdoor. The prime head buds are coated with a thick layer of trichomes and glisten brightly in the sun. Some plants develop beautiful dark purple calyxes during mid-flowering: a trait inherited from the New Zealand Purple Indica in the paternal line. Harvesting is very simple since the calyx-to-leaf ratio is predominantly high.


One of our breeding goals is to ensure that our strains are flexible and stable so that plants can be raised indoor and undergo the light stress of switching between artificial lighting and sunlight. It is therefore possible to start your garden indoor and shift the plants outdoor for flowering. Cloning and regenerating Mandala #1 is easy. Since this strain has a high percentage of landrace genetics that was adapted to growing on nutrient poor soil, the plants subsist easily in good horticultural grade potting soil and require little feeding if any. We recommend providing an adequate pot size for healthy growth (see SOIL GUIDE on our website for details). Height is average and even the Sativa phenotype can be accommodated in small indoor spaces if a 12/12 light period is started on time. All plants are suitable for SCROG and other forms of training.


This early flowering strain shares the benefits of hardy landrace genetics and a very resinous hybrid to produce robust plants with high bud quality. The impressive cold and pest resistance of Mandala #1 has become legendary. Cultivators from Finland, Canada, USA, Eastern Europe and alpine Switzerland have attested to the extraordinary survival features and quality harvests of their Mandala #1 plants. The early flowering traits in this cross initiate bud development quickly enough for an abundant yield in September. Even if harsh weather circumstances require harvesting before all plants reach full maturity, they will still deliver a satisfying amount of resin-coated buds.

Mandala #1 impresses even the most experienced smoker with her delicious aroma and wonderful uplifting, happy, expansive high. This is also the perfect marijuana for inner journeying, daydreaming, and creative intuition. The medical benefits of Mandala #1 are extensive and well-documented, as this strain has been cultivated nearly 15 years by medical users and compassion clubs. Many growers report that their stash is quickly shared among friends and family because everyone keeps coming back for more. 

Top Features

  • #1 outdoor strain for the north
  • fast flowering
  • popular medical strain
  • delicious aroma
  • high yields
  • purple strain
  • excellent cold resistance
  • high mold resistance
  • exotic landrace genetics

Medical Info

  • glaucoma
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • insomnia
  • anti-microbial
  • broad spectrum use

Free seeds with every order. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 33 reviews
b. (United States)
Mandala #1

I grew 4 of these this year and will grow again next year, mold and cold resistant, took down mid October in New England,

Tolle Arbeit

Ich finde, dass ihr eine tolle Arbeit macht. Bei euch stimmt die Strain Beschreibung eins zu eins und eure Strains heben sich von dem üblichen Gedöns ab. Das ist alles andere als selbstverständlich.
Anbei eine Mandala #1 von heuer. Macht weiter so!

H. (Germany)
Mandala #1

Mandala #1 ist sehr einfach zu kultivieren. Die Sorte wächst in organischer, torffreier Erde ohne zusätzliche Düngung. Die Blüten haben einen guten Harzgehalt und eine angenehme Wirkung.

M.S. (Germany)
beautiful healthy plants

So far, very beautiful plants. I am excited about the flowers and looking forward to the harvest in autumn

P.T. (Germany)
Mandala #1

Ich growe schon seit vielen Jahren immer mal wieder Mandala #1. Leicht Lila/Rote Streifen am Stängel, Vorblüte bereits nach 4-5 Wochen. Ich würde sie sofort wieder erkennen. Geschmack und Qualität sind wirklich sehr konstant. Tolles High, nicht trippy, genauso wie ich mir eine perfekte Sorte vorstelle. Diese Sorte wird mich hoffentlich noch viele Jahre begleiten ;-)