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„Mandala Seeds má vynikající genetiku pro chov!“

Zion Botanicals
"We are very happy to be partnering up with a legendary seed bank!"

"I would like to personally thank you for your dedication to creating original lines. I've grown and loved Krystalica, Satori, and Hashberry and was blown away by all three."

Professor Sprout
„Chovatelé Mike a Jasmin vytvořili jednu z nejlepších sativ, jaké jsme kdy odebrali.“

„Mandala č. 1 je jednou z nejlepších outdoorových odrůd na světě.“

„Satori je upřímně jedním z největších kmenů vůbec.“

Přírodní blaženost Organics
„Kalichakra je zdaleka nejpříjemnější bylina, jakou jsem kdy měl - za 25 let!“

„Satori je pro mě svatý grál. Myslím, že tvůj postoj se projevuje v každém napětí, které máš:„ dobrá vibrace “.“

„Vaše Safari Mix vyklíčila po 15 letech skladování! Úžasná kvalita a kouř.“

„Ještě jednou děkujeme za vaše produkty a příkladné služby.“

„Měl jsem skvělý čas na pěstování Krystaliky. Bylo to velmi snadné a minimální pomoc ode mě. Pěstuji všechno organické - absolutně ŽÁDNÉ lahvové nic. Děkuji moc.“

„Úžasná genetika. Vaše kmeny jsou samozřejmostí:obrovské rostliny, super nenáročná na údržbu, ZATÍŽENÍ vlhkosti a vždy, vždy v pohodě.“

Miluji tvých 8 mil vysoko! Je to nejvíce dobře zaoblený a dokonalý vnitřní kmen, který jsem zkoušel. Vím, že mnoho lidí v NY nikdy nekouřilo SKUTEČNÝ druh. Vaše ceny také kolísají! “

„Děkuji vám za to, co děláte ... je velmi osvěžující najít skupinu lidí, kteří se věnují vytváření skutečně zdravých a zdravých kmenů.“

"Thank you very much for your wonderful service & outstanding delivery method."

Semena zdarma
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from 720 reviewsIts my favorite sleep Strain.
I had hindukush before 2x in 2 strengths from the pharmacy and I have to say that this Pure Kush is almost the same in effect (exactly as I wanted) i.e. head stays pretty clear + a very pleasant physical relaxation with this slightly shaky feeling, as if you were chilling on a ship on the high seas (only without this effect being too strong!, I like it very much).
Thank you Sensible! The yield was also very good after 4 weeks of vegetation and 2x topping, everything was super tolerated
...will soon germinate. I'm excited to compare it with other skunk varieties.
Mandala were fantastic processing this order.
Sehr guter Service von Mandala Seeds. Problemlose Bestellung und schnelle Lieferung. Zum Saatgut kann ich noch keine Aussage machen da die Aussaat noch nicht erfolgt ist. Mit ihrem Onlineshop bin ich sehr zufrieden.
Been in the ground just on 14weeks and the crazy growth rate, 4ft and bunta buds all over and rock hard, the aroma is out of this world 👍keep up the fantastic work!!
I live in the US and found Mandala Seeds online when I was looking for something different than the usual stuff. I was impressed with the selection. I placed an order and was so happy with the delivery. Super fast and very well packaged. I was so happy that I placed a bigger order a few days later. Devi from customer support was also great and helped when I had questions about my order. Delivery to the States was faster than I get things delivered locally! Will definitely return!
Качество и скорость обслуживания клиентов на высочайшем уровне ! и заслуживает отдельного большого уважения.
I love Purple Mandala, great growth and very great smell. Can’t wait to finally smoke it
This is an amazing cross from ACE. The second version even better as they took their most potent and trippy meo Thai and Koh Chang Thai leaning GT mothers, and pollinated them with their Panama goddess reversed. I’m 8 weeks in and the plant looks very GT but has the insanely delicious Panama terps that are very loud for this type of plant. Strong sharp lemon floor cleaner. This particular pheno is basically a GT with much better terps. Wonderful cross should be included as a permanent offering imo. (Attached pics are at variable times throughout the grow which has not finished yet)
This store is nothing short of great. Great selections, great prices and great secure shipping. Thanks Guys, Debbie
first-class genetics, fair prices, quick and detailed answers to questions, friendly contact...best shop!
I was very happy with my experience with Mandala seeds. I will definitely be looking forward to doing more business with you.
I really like the clear headed high, nice aroma too
one of my favourite strains, best high ever
Grows fast, unkillable, nice and special terps (hash). I like this strain and will cross it with something like a mandala sativa.