Lazy Hippie

Běžná cena €21.00

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: regular seeds

: Mandala Seeds



Genetics Speed Queen x Early Heirloom Sativa
Type sativa-indica
Cultivation indoor/outdoor/greenhouse
THC medium-high
High uplifting, expansive, social, giggly, relaxing
Aroma sweet, incense, rose, hash, rosemary
Flowering time (indoor) 65-75 days
Harvest time (outdoor) end of September-mid October
Yield dry (organic) 400-500 gr/m2; 850+ gr p.p. outdoor
Plant height medium-tall



Lazy Hippie regular seeds is a cannabis variety lovingly crafted for maximum enjoyment and is another great addition to the Mandala Seeds outdoor-north collection. Suitable for beginners or experienced marijuana users, this low-maintenance strain can be effortlessly grown indoor and outdoor. The powerful effect boosts creativity and keeps you inspired without any of the negative side-effects normally associated with other Sativa-leaning strains, such as anxiety or palpitations.

Both phenotypes of this beautiful old school cross have instant recognizability. The super frosty buds and smaller leaves glisten with trichomes. While 'Majoon‘ flowers with orange pistils, the Sativa-leaning 'Joplin' phenotype has stunning lime-green and ivory colored pistils – the longest we’ve ever seen on a cannabis plant. Bud quality is top-notch, with golf ball sized buds even at the bottom of the plants. This strain's low odor during flowering makes it ideal for stealthy cultivation. In fact, the plants have so many outstanding traits its a long list to fill (see the top features bottom of page).

Lazy Hippie thrives in organic soil gardens, and with quality soil you can expect great results. This is a nutrient-efficient (ie. economical) plant and a prime choice for guerilla growing and other demanding outdoor locations. In hydroponics a low-medium EC range is best. Indoors the plants are versatile and grow well under low light, although we do recommend 400W/m2 during flowering as a standard for cannabis cultivation. SCROG and other low-stress techniques can be used for the 'Joplin' pheno, which yields longer colas. The 'Majoon‘ pheno* goes after Speed Queen with a denser and shorter growth pattern. 

Lazy Hippie is one of the few Sativa hybrids available that has been adapted for the short season in colder climates. Harvest dates are usually end of September, depending on your location. Far north above 50° the plants finish around mid October. The strain tolerates extreme temperatures having been tested at 48°C/118°F heat and -3°C/27°F cold. We also tested cold resilience and short daylight conditions in a greenhouse between December-February; the plants did surprisingly well and developed firm stems, thick resin-filled bud sites, and a vibrant green leaf canopy. Some plants may turn purplish at low temperatures.

Lazy Hippie can tolerate prolonged drought conditions and the rigors of high-altitude climates such as intense UV, heat, wind, and bouts of frost. The strain was tested in Western Asia at 55°N in the wild and survived 100 days without rain! The plants produced thick resin coated buds with great potency by harvest time. Without doubt this is one of the most amazing Sativa-leaning strains available for outdoor growers, especially during these uncertain times with climate patterns.

The fine aroma of the ripe buds is captivating, with a rosemary scent that fills the air when touched. Every inhalation brings forth an invigorating herbal-sweet incense like a walk through a forest after a rainy day. Cured buds can have an exotic rose scent as well.

Lazy Hippie has a powerful and fast-acting effect which makes it suitable for regular users. Beginners should be mindful of the dosage. The overall Sativa high induces feelings of well-being that will have you buzzing with creative energy and relaxed detachment from the world around you. It can also be enjoyed on days when all you want to do is lounge around and drift into daydreams. Users report feeling pleasantly relaxed and possibly even drowsy when the effects start wearing off. This helps you unwind and also contributes to the medical use as a muscle relaxant. Surrender to the blissful high delivered by this heirloom quality strain.

* Fun fact: Majoun (majoon or majun) is a sweet treat in Morocco that is often made into cannabis edibles.

Why Is It Called Lazy Hippie?

In 2022 a troll called us „lazy hippies“ because we closed our shop over summer (as we do every year). There was another word he added that I don’t care to repeat. Anyway, Mike and I thought that was hilarious! After we had a good laugh, the name stuck with us and seemed perfect for the breeding project we completed that summer.

"Lazy hippie" is a slur used since the 1960‘s for marijuana smokers. However, we proudly embrace it! Without the hard work of lazy hippies (pun intended), marijuana breeding and conservation would not have taken off, and none of us would be smoking anything better than roadside hemp. Mike and I are part of that generation and we believe the blood, sweat and tears invested in this work laid the foundation for others to build upon.

Lazy hippies revolutionized the world (and made some of the greatest music of all time). While many members of the cannabis counterculture have since passed on to greener pastures, their legacy lives on!

Our heirloom cultivar is like a throwback to the beginnings of landrace seed collecting. Every time you grow Lazy Hippie marijuana, you can be part of this unbroken tradition!

Jasmin & Mike


Top Features

  • old school genetics
  • high resin content
  • exotic terpenes
  • low odor
  • beginner friendly
  • outdoor-north strain
  • high pest resistance
  • heat resistant
  • cold resistant
  • draught resistant
  • low light strain


Medical Info

  • stress
  • depression
  • muscle relaxant
  • broad spectrum use

Free seeds with every order. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
H.S. (Germany)
Found a new favorite

Vital, fast-growing plant, full of large, firm, heavy flowers dotted with cystolites. Pleasantly slightly sweet aroma like chewy candy. Very nice uplifting high: sensual, physical, activating. Came into bloom in northern Germany at the beginning of August and was fully ripe by mid to late October. no mold problems whatsoever! Extremely productive plant! Like most of Mandala's plants, my favorite.

l. (United Kingdom)
Another solid outdoor performer...

Had only one female this year and she didn't need much to keep her happy. Like all the Mandala varieties I've tried, you just give them a generous sized container with quality soil/compost, keep watering when they need it and watch them get huge. Finished up in mid October for me at <>50 north but too much urban lighting during the night delays things. Good yields of solid flowers with a fruity, earthy aroma producing an enjoyable functional effect. Very happy with this and looking forward to sifting through a few more females next season. Another great one for your garden!

v.G. (Kazakhstan)
Ленивый Хиппи на севере.

Про эффект и медицинские свойства: Высокий ТГК..Мощный спазмолитик.В начале может очень сильно по тянуть в сон.
Стимулятор аппетита в конце трипа . В какой то момент у жертв фенотипа Ленивого Хиппи с фиолетовым оттенком могут появится короткие приступы смеха. Привыкание если не злоупотреблять нет.Банку Мандала Спасибо за хорошую работу и заботу о северных широтах.

v.G. (Kazakhstan)
Ленивый Хиппи на севере 54°N

Высажен в первых числах июня трех недельной крепкой рассадой в Аут. Девочки зацвели при световом дне 13:40 быстро и дружно
Гнутся и растягиваются хорошо . При цветение резкого и сильного запаха не было. Перенесли шторм Высокую температуру и засуху, осенью заморозки до -3 только не много завернулись не которые веерные листья.,очень вынослив в диком ауте.Два раза за цикл вносил органику рост- цвет. Ухода практический не было . Любит много света и достаточно место . Снял 20 октября так как они были готовы и раскрылись для меня на 100 %
Фенотипа было два, зеленый с крупными почками и с фиолетовым оттенком осенью, отцвели одновременно . Кусты крупные урожайные, смола смола много увесистой смолы она везде.НА мой взгляд они больше в сативу и по эффекту тоже. Смело рекомендую тем где короткое лето вплоть до 54 широты вы можете собрать полноценный урожай и это не авто !

v.f.s.v. (United States)
Lazy Hippie

Buenos días amigos!! Tengo muchas ganas de que venga la primavera 2024 para comprar a Mandala varias cepas sativa de rápida floración para ver qué tal funcionan cómo guerrilleras!! Ánimo a los que ya han plantado en exterior esta Lazy Hippie, para que nos cuenten sus experiencias y también compartan fotografías!! Muchas gracias equipo Mandala!!